Mandala Workshops

Learn the art of creating Mandalas with Tracy Howl, a resident artist, photographer and spiritual worker at Beckenham Place Park Mansion.

The word Mandala basically means a circle or container of energy. It can take the form of paintings, words, drawings, placement of objects or a single word.

The purpose of creating a Mandala is to either manifest or clear something from your life.

Working with the law of attraction, manifestation mandalas attract what is needed to enhance your life for your highest good. This could be a new relationship, a new home, the sale of your current home, a new job, or peace and happiness in your life. Energy is held within the mandala which you can engage with on a daily basis until you achieve your goal. There is a saying ‘Where your Intention goes, your focus goes’.

A clearing mandala does exactly as it sounds. All those negative beliefs you may hold on to, attachments to things which no longer serve you, toxic relationships and more can be eased out of your life by creating a clearing mandala. During these uncertain times we are going through, it is important to not let fear and negativity take over.

The best time to create a clearing Mandala is a full moon and for a Manifestation mandala is a new moon. Clearing comes first to create the space for the ultimate manifestation. You may find good things start happening as soon as you start clearing.

Tracy runs 2 types of sessions, one is online in a small relaxed group in your own comfortable setting to learn the tools needed to change your life. The other is at her studio at Beckenham Place Mansion.

Sessions last one hour and a half and cost £12.50. For the online sessions, you will need to provide your own materials. (Printer paper, newspapers, magazines, pens, crayons, paints whatever you have to hand). Sessions at the mansion will have art materials provided for you or you may wish to bring your own. Individual sessions where we can delve further into your needs and psychic readings cost £30 online and £40 in person and can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.

Email or contact me on 07931 900269 to book.

Dates of 2022 workshops: Will be added soon

Tracy trained in Spiritual Art at The College of Psychic Studies and is available for one to one sessions. She is also one of the Mansion’s resident photographers and is available for online photography tutoring sessions too.